Have you ever wondered how your loved ones would manage financially without you?
There are different policies that will help you keep your family safe. Insurance can provide protection, prepare for financial milestones, and create wealth.
Critical Illness for Children - Why it’s Essential
Few of us want to contemplate the reality of being diagnosed with a serious illness, let alone the possibility of a child becoming seriously ill. Even fewer of us have given any thought to how we'd cope financially. A child’s illness can cause serious financial consequences for a family.
Cannabis and Insurance
Since the legalization of cannabis in Canada, insurers have had to reassess how they underwrite someone who is an occasional user versus someone who uses it for health reasons. In the past, all users would be declined coverage. Not so anymore; there a lot of products cannabis users can apply for.
Life Insurance and Capital Gains Taxes
It is said that there are only two certainties in life; death and taxes. These often go hand in hand. While you may think you are done on this earth and debt no longer is an issue, the fact remains that you still need money even after you pass on.